stdClass Object
    [id] => 1289
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [type] => Speisekarte
    [name] => Frühling
    [validFrom] => 2015-04-18
    [validUntil] => 2015-05-31
    [createdAt] => 2015-04-18 13:12:33
    [updatedAt] => 2015-04-18 13:21:00
    [useProductId] => 1
    [autoPostSentAt] => 
    [lastFbAutopostPhotoId] => 
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    [style] => compact
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    [inhouse] => 1
    [delivery] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
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            [paperWidth] => 

    [hasEntries] => 1
    [categories] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 5654
                    [betriebId] => 109465
                    [karteId] => 1289
                    [name] => Main
                    [description] => 
                    [priority] => 999999
                    [createdAt] => 2015-04-18 13:12:33
                    [backgroundId] => 
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                    [isHighlight] => 0
                    [mittagsDay] => 
                    [photoUrl] => 
                    [speisen] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13152
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => gebratener Käse auf mediterranem Pilzsalat
                                    [price] => 7.20
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 1
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13153
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Frühlingssalat mit zarten Roastbeef- Scheiben, dazu  Orangen- Joghurtdressing
                                    [price] => 7.60
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 2
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13154
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Spargelcremesuppe mit Kräuter- Ei
                                    [price] => 4.50
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 3
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13155
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => „Grüne Suppe“ mit Käse- Croutons
                                    [price] => 4.70
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 4
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13156
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Rahmsüppchen von Räucherfischen
                                    [price] => 5.10
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 5
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13157
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Gemüse „Pot au feu“, auf grüner Sauce
                                    [price] => 9.80
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 6
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [6] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13158
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Spargel- Spinat- Lasagne mit Zitronen- Hollandaise und kleinem Salat
                                    [price] => 10.60
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 7
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [7] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13159
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Matjesvariation „Alter Speicher“, serviert werden verschiedene Salate und  Zubereitungen von Matjes und Hering, dazu  Schwarzbro
                                    [price] => 10.20
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 8
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [8] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13160
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Medaillons vom Butterfisch, an Kartoffel-  Kräuterpfannkuchen und Rote Beete Schaum,  dazu Apfelmus
                                    [price] => 14.90
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 9
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [9] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13161
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => gebratenes Dorschfilet mit Petersilien- Pesto,  dazu Gemüse- Risotto
                                    [price] => 15.60
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 10
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [10] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13162
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Maispoulardenbrust, an Gemüseragout in  Salbeibutter, dazu Gnocci
                                    [price] => 13.80
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 11
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [11] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13163
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Paniertes Kalbsschnitzel an mediterranem  Kartoffelsalat
                                    [price] => 14.10
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 12
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [12] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13164
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Geschmorte Kaninchenkeule in Rosinen- Pfeffer- Sauce, serviert mit Gemüse der Saison und  Bandnudeln
                                    [price] => 14.80
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 13
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [13] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13165
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Lammbraten an Thymianjus, mit Gemüseallerlei  und Röstkartoffeln
                                    [price] => 15.20
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 14
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [14] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13166
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Roulade vom Schweinefilet, auf Paprika-  Kartoffelpüree und gebratenem Gemüse
                                    [price] => 15.40
                                    [description] => 
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 15
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array


                            [15] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 13167
                                    [betriebId] => 109465
                                    [karteId] => 1289
                                    [categoryId] => 5654
                                    [productId] => 
                                    [cashRegisterId] => 
                                    [name] => Unsere Küche bereitet ein Rinderfiletsteak zu, welches Sie nach Ihrem Geschmack mit ausgesuchten Saltinisalzen vollenden. Als Be
                                    [price] => 18.60
                                    [description] => Wählen Sie aus folgenden  Geschmacksrichtungen: Gourmet, Knoblauch, Kräuter, Bergkern und Pfeffer
                                    [unit] => 
                                    [cashId] => 
                                    [priority] => 16
                                    [isOrderable] => 1
                                    [printer] => stdClass Object
                                            [name] => 
                                            [paperWidth] => 

                                    [options] => Array





    [assetsLink] => 
    [validity] => gültig  vom 18.04.2015 bis 31.05.2015
gültig vom 18.04.2015 bis 31.05.2015
stdClass Object
    [id] => 13152
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => gebratener Käse auf mediterranem Pilzsalat
    [price] => 7.20
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 1
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


gebratener Käse auf mediterranem Pilzsalat

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13153
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Frühlingssalat mit zarten Roastbeef- Scheiben, dazu  Orangen- Joghurtdressing
    [price] => 7.60
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 2
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Frühlingssalat mit zarten Roastbeef- Scheiben, dazu Orangen- Joghurtdressing

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13154
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Spargelcremesuppe mit Kräuter- Ei
    [price] => 4.50
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 3
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Spargelcremesuppe mit Kräuter- Ei

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13155
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => „Grüne Suppe“ mit Käse- Croutons
    [price] => 4.70
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 4
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


„Grüne Suppe“ mit Käse- Croutons

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13156
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Rahmsüppchen von Räucherfischen
    [price] => 5.10
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 5
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Rahmsüppchen von Räucherfischen

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13157
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Gemüse „Pot au feu“, auf grüner Sauce
    [price] => 9.80
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 6
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Gemüse „Pot au feu“, auf grüner Sauce

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13158
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Spargel- Spinat- Lasagne mit Zitronen- Hollandaise und kleinem Salat
    [price] => 10.60
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 7
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Spargel- Spinat- Lasagne mit Zitronen- Hollandaise und kleinem Salat

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13159
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Matjesvariation „Alter Speicher“, serviert werden verschiedene Salate und  Zubereitungen von Matjes und Hering, dazu  Schwarzbro
    [price] => 10.20
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 8
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Matjesvariation „Alter Speicher“, serviert werden verschiedene Salate und Zubereitungen von Matjes und Hering, dazu Schwarzbro

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13160
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Medaillons vom Butterfisch, an Kartoffel-  Kräuterpfannkuchen und Rote Beete Schaum,  dazu Apfelmus
    [price] => 14.90
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 9
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Medaillons vom Butterfisch, an Kartoffel- Kräuterpfannkuchen und Rote Beete Schaum, dazu Apfelmus

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13161
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => gebratenes Dorschfilet mit Petersilien- Pesto,  dazu Gemüse- Risotto
    [price] => 15.60
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 10
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


gebratenes Dorschfilet mit Petersilien- Pesto, dazu Gemüse- Risotto

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13162
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Maispoulardenbrust, an Gemüseragout in  Salbeibutter, dazu Gnocci
    [price] => 13.80
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 11
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Maispoulardenbrust, an Gemüseragout in Salbeibutter, dazu Gnocci

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13163
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Paniertes Kalbsschnitzel an mediterranem  Kartoffelsalat
    [price] => 14.10
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 12
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Paniertes Kalbsschnitzel an mediterranem Kartoffelsalat

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13164
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Geschmorte Kaninchenkeule in Rosinen- Pfeffer- Sauce, serviert mit Gemüse der Saison und  Bandnudeln
    [price] => 14.80
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 13
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Geschmorte Kaninchenkeule in Rosinen- Pfeffer- Sauce, serviert mit Gemüse der Saison und Bandnudeln

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13165
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Lammbraten an Thymianjus, mit Gemüseallerlei  und Röstkartoffeln
    [price] => 15.20
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 14
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Lammbraten an Thymianjus, mit Gemüseallerlei und Röstkartoffeln

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13166
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Roulade vom Schweinefilet, auf Paprika-  Kartoffelpüree und gebratenem Gemüse
    [price] => 15.40
    [description] => 
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 15
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Roulade vom Schweinefilet, auf Paprika- Kartoffelpüree und gebratenem Gemüse

stdClass Object
    [id] => 13167
    [betriebId] => 109465
    [karteId] => 1289
    [categoryId] => 5654
    [productId] => 
    [cashRegisterId] => 
    [name] => Unsere Küche bereitet ein Rinderfiletsteak zu, welches Sie nach Ihrem Geschmack mit ausgesuchten Saltinisalzen vollenden. Als Be
    [price] => 18.60
    [description] => Wählen Sie aus folgenden  Geschmacksrichtungen: Gourmet, Knoblauch, Kräuter, Bergkern und Pfeffer
    [unit] => 
    [cashId] => 
    [priority] => 16
    [isOrderable] => 1
    [printer] => stdClass Object
            [name] => 
            [paperWidth] => 

    [options] => Array


Unsere Küche bereitet ein Rinderfiletsteak zu, welches Sie nach Ihrem Geschmack mit ausgesuchten Saltinisalzen vollenden. Als Be

Wählen Sie aus folgenden Geschmacksrichtungen: Gourmet, Knoblauch, Kräuter, Bergkern und Pfeffer

Letzte Aktualisierung am 18.04.2015